Our work at Storey & Ward Lawyers progresses land justice and cultural protections for Traditional Owners. Through navigating regulatory and statutory environments, mediation, policy, and expertise development, we provide thought leadership in the sector.
Directors Dr Matthew Storey and Donna Ward Storey believe that Traditional Owners should have access to the best legal and policy advice to achieve their communities' aims and realise their own visions.
The regulatory and legislative environment in which Traditional Owner corporations’ function is complex. Understanding the implications of this environment requires a legal and policy team who work solely in these areas. Storey & Ward Lawyers provide thought leadership in the sector, delivering seminars, symposiums and professional development training.
Our experienced team of legal and policy experts have developed a rigorous suite of Continuing Professional Development opportunities for lawyers and company directors. We can also arrange bespoke packages in all our areas of expertise for groups from five to forty.
Draft Victorian Submission Plan Guidelines
Storey & Ward Lawyers Submission on Transmission Plan Guidelines
Communal Ownership and Collective Decision Making
A key element of collective rights is the nature of the collectivity.