Traditional Owner Corporations can be complex entities, requiring sound governance practice and good business and strategic planning. Storey & Ward Lawyers have extensive experience in navigating this environment to ensure the best possible economic outcomes for Traditional Owners corporations and their members.

Traditional Owner Corporations can be complex entities, requiring sound governance practice and good business and strategic planning. 

Their structures will often involve the interaction of the Corporations Act, the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act, charities and not for profit regulation, as well as trust, employment and tax legislation. 

This regulation is in addition to legislative and regulatory responsibilities such as Aboriginal cultural heritage legislation and the Native Title Act

Storey & Ward Lawyers have extensive experience in navigating this environment to ensure the best possible economic outcomes for Traditional Owners corporations and their members. 

As well as our legal expertise, we have broad experience in consulting, mediation, training and ethics, to support our work in this crucial area.

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