Our Services

Our work at Storey & Ward Lawyers progress land justice and cultural protections for Traditional Owners.

Through navigating regulatory and statutory environments, mediation, policy and expertise development, we provide thought leadership in the sector.

First Nations Cultural Heritage Law

Statutory recognition of Traditional Owner rights and responsibilities for cultural heritage is a difficult process. Storey & Ward Lawyers have specialised experience in working within state and commonwealth jurisdictions to achieve formal recognition.

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First Nations Business Development

Traditional Owner Corporations can be complex entities, requiring sound governance practice and good business and strategic planning. Storey & Ward Lawyers have extensive experience in navigating this environment to ensure the best possible economic outcomes for Traditional Owners corporations and their members.

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Native Title and Land Rights

Navigating native title processes requires an extensive understanding all areas of statutory land rights. Storey & Ward Lawyers have decades of experience in acting for native title determination applicants and respondents, to realise land justice outcomes.

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Natural Resource Management Law

The developing legal regimes around critical minerals, water, carbon, geothermal, and genetic resources are important to the work of Traditional Owner Corporations. Storey & Ward Lawyers are at the front of policy development and thought leadership around offshore energy and onshore minerals.

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As a core element of Native Title processes, mediation is professional assistance for nation building discussions. Storey & Ward Lawyers provide culturally sensitive mediation options to provide native title and community outcomes.

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Policy Development Consultancy

Understanding the jurisdictional levers required to realise Traditional Owner rights is both time and expertise intensive. Storey & Ward Lawyers have active and extensive experience in delivering real policy outcomes at both state and commonwealth levels.

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Expertise Development
and Training

Understanding the implications of the regulatory and legislative environment requires a legal and policy team who work solely in these areas. Storey & Ward Lawyers provide thought leadership in the sector, delivering seminars, symposiums and professional development training.

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